Monday, October 26, 2009


Yes my first blog! Holly inspired me to start one after I read about Mrs. G. We'll see how it goes! P.S. My first time riding a motorcycle tonight! I don't know how it happened (actually I do, but that's not important).

I put on the leather jacket and we took off through the streets pushing and sending fall leaves to the side of the road. It was so much fun, so naturally I smiled. Not a smart idea when the chill autumn night freezes your teeth and your forced to turn your smile into a stoic frown...or a weird smile. After my face regained some composure, the echo of the engine through the streets, the beauty of fall leaves, the comfort of stars and small-town street lamps lighting the night made me realize everything is okay and happiness is tangible if you allow yourself to forget the cold...or you can make the coldness part of the fun!

After all if it weren't cold, I wouldn't have worn the bad A leather jacket.


  1. Nice writing....could see what you were seeing!! Sounds like you were having a blast!! Last time I was on a motorcycle was when I was prego, about 6-7 months with my first child Jake, riding to TC. We had to take a break at Wapueki (can't spell it) but I remember thinking I must be crazy! I'm sure people passing by thought the same! Thanks for the memory!

  2. who's motorcycle were you riding hmmmm...? or was it that scooter that you rode in the wal-mart parking lot???? hahahahahahaha

  3. I remember this night!! it was so much fun riding Sams Motorcycle!! I miss that motorcycle! I wish i could ride it agian but with sam this time instead of with dan the inexperienced driver!
